






نبذة عني: There's not much to say about myself. I'm a super talkative individual. I enjoy so many things it's impossible to list them all. It's changing all the time. So for now I'll list some of my most pressing interests. I always love to play games. I enjoy watching the news and following current events. I like comedy. Wanna get naked and chat while we watch Taskmaster anyone? I like to cook and I love grocery stores. I'm on a bit of a weight loss journey. So now that I've lost 20 lbs I'm half way towards my goal of 40 in total loss. So I like talking about stuff like that with others that may be on a similar journey. And hopefully I can pseudo document the rest of the weight loss on here throughout the winter. I'd gladly share in and support anyone else in their own journey of exploration as well. Whoever you may be, I'd welcome you to my Friends. It would be nice if we could build a sort of community of like minded individuals who supported each other. I like cannabis and all its different forms. It's a passion as well as a job for me. I'd share in a joint and an intimate moment with anyone that wanted to. Or smoke a joint and play a game. We can always meet in discord or online for a game sometime. Strip Mario Kart is always fun. I'm not really on here for any sort of specific fetish or anything. I can be all over the map with my preferences. But even then, it's nothing too crazy. Beautiful people doing naughty things. That's my favourite I guess. But I'm gonna try to add one video I watch each time I end up browsing porn. And I'm gonna try to post 1 video a week. Even if it's a boring old simple lay back get off type thing. Never know, something fun could come about from it. If your a free spirit that would like to interact in different and fun ways, feel free to message me. I'd gladly chat to anyone that says hello. And I'm open to suggestions or requests if it sounds fun and respectful. Peace out for now

نبذة عني

There's not much to say about myself. I'm a super talkative individual. I enjoy so many things it's impossible to list them all. It's changing all the time. So for now I'll list some of my most pressing interests. I always love to play games. I enjoy watching the news and following current events. I like comedy. Wanna get naked and chat while we watch Taskmaster anyone? I like to cook and I love grocery stores. I'm on a bit of a weight loss journey. So now that I've lost 20 lbs I'm half way towards my goal of 40 in total loss. So I like talking about stuff like that with others that may be on a similar journey. And hopefully I can pseudo document the rest of the weight loss on here throughout the winter. I'd gladly share in and support anyone else in their own journey of exploration as well. Whoever you may be, I'd welcome you to my Friends. It would be nice if we could build a sort of community of like minded individuals who supported each other. I like cannabis and all its different forms. It's a passion as well as a job for me. I'd share in a joint and an intimate moment with anyone that wanted to. Or smoke a joint and play a game. We can always meet in discord or online for a game sometime. Strip Mario Kart is always fun. I'm not really on here for any sort of specific fetish or anything. I can be all over the map with my preferences. But even then, it's nothing too crazy. Beautiful people doing naughty things. That's my favourite I guess. But I'm gonna try to add one video I watch each time I end up browsing porn. And I'm gonna try to post 1 video a week. Even if it's a boring old simple lay back get off type thing. Never know, something fun could come about from it. If your a free spirit that would like to interact in different and fun ways, feel free to message me. I'd gladly chat to anyone that says hello. And I'm open to suggestions or requests if it sounds fun and respectful. Peace out for now
التوجه إلى الملف الشخصي

Insert_Credit معلومات شخصية

  • أنا:
    35 سنة, ذكر, مغاير الجنس
  • من:
    Vernon, كولومبيا البريطانية, كندا
  • أبحث عن:
    أنثى, مغاير الجنس
  • اللغات:
  • الوظيفة:
  • الدخل:
  • أولاد:
    لا، ولا أريد أي منهم
  • الدين:
  • الخمور:

كيف أبدو

  • العرق:
  • نوع الجسم:
  • طول الشعر:
  • لون الشعر:
  • لون العين:
  • الطول:
    6 قدم 72 إنش (185 سم)

Insert_Credit فيديوهات مثلي صناع المحتوى

موقع xHamster هو موقع للبالغين فقط!

المحتوى المتاح على xHamster قد يحتوي على مواد إباحية.

يقتصر xHamster بشكل صارم على الأشخاص الذين تزيد أعمارهم عن 18 عامًا أو من السن القانونية في نطاق سلطتك القضائية، أيهما أكبر.

أحد أهدافنا الأساسية هو مساعدة الآباء على تقييد الوصول إلى xHamster للقاصرين، لذلك لدينا تأكد من أن xHamster متوافق تمامًا مع قانون RTA (مقصور على البالغين) وسيظل كذلك. وهذا يعني أنه يمكن حظر الوصول إلى الموقع عن طريق أدوات الرقابة الأبوية البسيطة. من المهم أن يتخذ الآباء والأوصياء المسؤولون الخطوات اللازمة لمنع القاصرين من الوصول إلى المحتوى غير المناسب عبر الإنترنت، وخاصة المحتوى المقيد بالفئة العمرية.

يجب على أي شخص لديه قاصر في منزله أو تحت إشرافه تنفيذ الرقابة الأبوية الأساسية وسائل الحماية، بما في ذلك أجهزة الكمبيوتر وإعدادات الجهاز، أو تثبيت البرامج، أو خدمات تصفية مزود خدمة الإنترنت، لمنع القاصرين من الوصول إلى المحتوى غير المناسب.

تساعدنا ملفات تعريف الارتباط في تقديم خدماتنا. باستخدام موقعنا الإلكتروني، أنت توافق على استخدامنا لملفات تعريف الارتباط. معرفة المزيد