





نبذة عني: I question everything these days. If I ask you why you have no content or why the avatar doesn't match what you write in messages don't get mad. If you have no content don't think I'm going to be giving to you and let you into my world. There are too many sicko freaks out there who want to hurt a pretty little thing like me. So, read the about me and form you own opinion. I'll be in my room cross dressing. I have never been one to live by the label that others apply. I have never been religious, or really ever knew my place in the world. I've had many different jobs and I've done them all well, but I never quite fit in with the rest of the crew. Now that I've been sitting out for some time I know it was their toxic masculinity and forced conformity that was sitting uneasily with me. It wasn't until I was able to live alone, when I discovered my secret fetish of heels. With the heels came the stockings, pantyhose and other accessories. I do it because I want to and because I look real fucking good. That little bit of self appreciation in the reflection is enough to make life a lot better more exciting, and I feel empowered when I where them. My legs are tone and the more I look at myself the more inspired, and motivated I am to lose the fat and build more muscle. Living outside the boundaries of categorical quantification has enabled me to observe all the groups from an outside perspective. Personal freedom is the greatest asset I've ever had. Probably why I don't consider myself to be quote unquote gay. I don't act gay, I act like a man who wears platform stilettos when he gets a chance. Find me on feetfinder, under the name Legsistace.

نبذة عني

I question everything these days. If I ask you why you have no content or why the avatar doesn't match what you write in messages don't get mad.
If you have no content don't think I'm going to be giving to you and let you into my world. There are too many sicko freaks out there who want to hurt a pretty little thing like me.

So, read the about me and form you own opinion. I'll be in my room cross dressing.

I have never been one to live by the label that others apply. I have never been religious, or really ever knew my place in the world. I've had many different jobs and I've done them all well, but I never quite fit in with the rest of the crew. Now that I've been sitting out for some time I know it was their toxic masculinity and forced conformity that was sitting uneasily with me. It wasn't until I was able to live alone, when I discovered my secret fetish of heels. With the heels came the stockings, pantyhose and other accessories. I do it because I want to and because I look real fucking good. That little bit of self appreciation in the reflection is enough to make life a lot better more exciting, and I feel empowered when I where them. My legs are tone and the more I look at myself the more inspired, and motivated I am to lose the fat and build more muscle.
Living outside the boundaries of categorical quantification has enabled me to observe all the groups from an outside perspective. Personal freedom is the greatest asset I've ever had. Probably why I don't consider myself to be quote unquote gay. I don't act gay, I act like a man who wears platform stilettos when he gets a chance.
Find me on feetfinder, under the name Legsistace.
التوجه إلى الملف الشخصي

MrLeggs معلومات شخصية

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    5 قدم 66 إنش (170 سم)

MrLeggs Anal Toys فيديوهات مثلي صناع المحتوى

Hitting the G spot
Hitting the G spot
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Amateur still
Amateur still
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الفيديوهات الإباحية الشهيرة الأخرى

Twenty Two Minutes
Twenty Two Minutes
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Much more vocal this time
Much more vocal this time
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موقع xHamster هو موقع للبالغين فقط!

المحتوى المتاح على xHamster قد يحتوي على مواد إباحية.

يقتصر xHamster بشكل صارم على الأشخاص الذين تزيد أعمارهم عن 18 عامًا أو من السن القانونية في نطاق سلطتك القضائية، أيهما أكبر.

أحد أهدافنا الأساسية هو مساعدة الآباء على تقييد الوصول إلى xHamster للقاصرين، لذلك لدينا تأكد من أن xHamster متوافق تمامًا مع قانون RTA (مقصور على البالغين) وسيظل كذلك. وهذا يعني أنه يمكن حظر الوصول إلى الموقع عن طريق أدوات الرقابة الأبوية البسيطة. من المهم أن يتخذ الآباء والأوصياء المسؤولون الخطوات اللازمة لمنع القاصرين من الوصول إلى المحتوى غير المناسب عبر الإنترنت، وخاصة المحتوى المقيد بالفئة العمرية.

يجب على أي شخص لديه قاصر في منزله أو تحت إشرافه تنفيذ الرقابة الأبوية الأساسية وسائل الحماية، بما في ذلك أجهزة الكمبيوتر وإعدادات الجهاز، أو تثبيت البرامج، أو خدمات تصفية مزود خدمة الإنترنت، لمنع القاصرين من الوصول إلى المحتوى غير المناسب.

تساعدنا ملفات تعريف الارتباط في تقديم خدماتنا. باستخدام موقعنا الإلكتروني، أنت توافق على استخدامنا لملفات تعريف الارتباط. معرفة المزيد